1. Have an envious career and a body that is well sculpted.
2. Own something that is ridiculously expensive and of no relative utility.
3. Invest your energy and time in mastering a signature lingerie style.
4. Go on a vacation to an exotic locale and make sure you do it all by yourself.
5. Have group therapists in the form of your go-to girls aka your soul sisters.
6. Start a pampering ritual that a change in your relationship status cannot disturb.
7. Learn to change your car tyre and hone your drilling(sic) skills while at it.
8. Throw wild, crazy parties that leave you hung over. Once you are committed, life does get a little staid.
The writer is part of the editorial team of the magazine and I am sure she knows what she is talking about. But do you?. Ladies, what do you think? Do you believe mastering a signature lingerie style will help you to survive singledom? Or owning something that is ridiculously expensive but of no relative utility? To think that publishing houses get newsprint subsidised by the govt. with the tax payers money, to be filled with such hogwash, such stinking horse-shit. Take a second look at her sermon : "Once you are committed, life does get a little staid." So what should a single girl do? Get laid by a different guy every day? This is precisely the kind of mindset that keep landing women back to where they started. Can't you think of anything better than lingerie, spas, your body and wild parties???? No wonder men think of women as objects of desire and nothing more. That is the stereotype you snugly fit into. That is the image of feminity that you unwittingly perpetuate with your silly posturing. 'Signature lingerie', my FOOT!
And they had the temerity to put these perverted ideas of a sick mind next to the images of women who have sacrificed their lives for great causes! How crass can you get?